Is it time for you to finally launch your independent consulting business, but you need a sounding board and some real-life next steps?
Would you benefit from on-demand strategic and tactical instruction on how to create a human-centric EVP and employer brand?
Are you an HR practitioner looking for practical & strategic guidance on how to be more successful in connecting employees to culture?
Are you an executive looking for a sounding board on how to become a more present, empathetic and active talent magnet for your organization?
If that's a 'yes' - to any of these questions - it's time to explore an immersive learning experience with Drift!
Never dispense with the pleasantries.
Get to know your educator.
Book a 20-minute discussion with Chelsea.

Course Outcomes
Understanding the 5 Foundational Stages of Human-Centric Design (Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Iterate).
Applying Human-Centric Design to Organizational Workforce Strategy Through the Lens of the Employee Value Proposition (Why, Who and How?)
Conducting Human-Centric Employee Listening & Applying Insights to Strategy.
Participants will engage in skill-building activities and take-away exercises based on their own experience and designed to enhance their own practice of Human-Centric HR Design.
Course for HR Practitioners & Leaders
Building a Human-Centric Employee Experience
In this 6-part course, we will focus on applying the principles of design thinking to people strategy. We will start with the employee value proposition and explore how to create a framework of purposeful ideals that effectively communicates a unique culture to current and future employees. Then, we will move into bringing that human-centric EVP to life through a differentiated creative articulation. This course will approach key concepts and learnings that span across the employee experience, putting your people at the centre of the development process. ​
This program is for you if:
You are an HR Practitioner/Leader who is looking to embed principles of design-thinking in your organization's employee experience.
You are consulting with organizations that are experiencing challenges related to business silos, lack of leadership involvement and faltering collaboration.
You have specific challenges to solve in the areas of employee attraction, engagement and retention.
You have a basic understanding of human-centric design and are ready to apply your knowledge to solve real-world challenges.
Workshop for HR Practitioners & Intrapreneurs
Teaching People Leaders & Managers How to Be Culture Champions

Course Outcomes
Like it or not, your People Leaders and managers are the custodians and stewards of your culture. You know that old adage, "People don't quit jobs, they quit managers." Well, it's widely used for a reason. Across industries and organizations, one of the leading reasons for employee attrition is feeling like their People Leader just doesn't care.​
Investing in defining and building incredible culture-related programs, initiatives and strategies are only as powerful as the support you receive from key influencers in your business to activate them. Your People Leaders and managers may be a root cause of persistent issues leading to culture. But, here's the thing - they may not know it yet! You need the right support, tools and guidance in place to ensure the People Leaders in your business are enabled to be culture champions. This 2-hour workshop will help you create a sustainable approach to educating and embedding a 'culture champion mindset' for your People Leaders.
This program is for you if:
You are an HR Practitioner/Leader who is seeking new ideas for inspiring People Leaders in your organization specifically related to workplace culture.
There are systemic engagement issues at your company that are related to People Leaders being 'out-of-the-loop' or feeling left behind when it comes to leading and inspiring a great culture.
You have recently launched a new, innovative culture or employee experience program and you need the support of People Leaders & managers to ensure employees participate.
What is a Culture Champion? The Fundamentals.
Gain a deeper understanding of how People Leaders can be inspired and motivated to lead and champion culture.
Creating the right tools and resources for People Leaders, with a focus on interactivity.
Designing your Culture Champion training to cultivate engagement and absorption.
Addressing the Detractors - a plan for communicating with the nay-sayers and converting the to Champions!
Participants will walk away with a tangible plan to tackle the issue of People Leader Culture Champions at their organization.

Session Outcomes
Tapping into a your intuition & engaging in thought-provoking conversations about your real goals for the future.
Gaining an understanding of how to take the first (or next) step in your entrepreneurship journey.
A focus on relationships - how to form them, build them and maintain them.
Advice on business development strategy - how to reach a target audience with a compelling message.
Building your personal brand on social media - guidance, resources & interactive exercises to get the ball rolling.
Coaching For Entrepreneurs (Current & Aspiring)
Charting Your Course and Launching Your Consulting Brand
Chelsea Howard has been a self-declared entrepreneur and 'gut-led' since age 13. She is the Founder and Lead Strategist of Drift Consulting and a thought partner for companies, leaders and HR practitioners who are passionate about bringing human-centric design into strategy.
Book a 60-minute reflection session with Chelsea to find out how you can tap into your intuition and create a path to your next big opportunity.
This program is for you if:
You are a new or aspiring entrepreneur in the consulting space, looking to build a unique identity for your business idea.
You are on the cusp of a career transition into entrepreneurship and you need to tap into your internal compass to make a values-based decision.
You are seeking new ways to build your personal brand and connect with a broader network in a genuine way.
Workshop for Entrepreneurs
Host a Networking Event to Remember
In the HR Consulting space, there is a huge need for captivating and engaging networking events. HR leaders, practitioners and strategists - especially in the areas of employee experience and employer branding - are often 'lone wolves' in their organization. The market is saturated with webinars and virtual events. If you want to set your brand apart and connect in a deeper, more meaningful way with your network, hosting an event for your connections and clients is an excellent way to strengthen your relationships and foster meaningful dialogue under the banner of your brand.
Based on the successful Drift event series Conversations with Impact, this 90-minute workshop will walk through the process and experience design of an incredible industry networking event.
This program is for you if:
You are seeking new organic ways to connect with a targeted audience.
You have a great idea for a live event and you need ideas to get started.
You have a strong virtual network and you are looking for opportunities to bring them together to generate new ideas and connections.
You want to foster deeper connections with your clients through a unique twist on a "Client Appreciation Event."

Session Outcomes
What Makes a Great Event? The Fundamentals.
Deciding on Your Unique Event Experience.
"Facilitated Networking" for All Personality Types: Introverts, Extroverts & Ambiverts
Food and Drink: What to Serve and How Much?
To Panel or Not to Panel? Selecting Speakers and Engaging Guest Appearances.
Branding Opportunities and SWAG
Hosting 101: How to Ensure Everyone Feels Welcomed.
Drumming Up Interest: Gaining Interest and Registrations Using Your Existing Network.
Participants will walk away with tangible ideas to implement and ready to create a plan for their first in-person event.
Workshop for Executives
Empathy as a Core Competency
Empathy is hardwired into our evolutionary biology. It is not an ephemeral concept - it’s backed up by science. It is a core component in pro-social behaviour, which is necessary for us to effectively interact and collaborate with others. As a leader, it's essential to build cognitive empathy to enable performance and potential of your people. This course will lead you through the neuroscience of empathy, tactics for building relational intelligence and guided learnings for developing your own personal style of empathetic leadership.
Book this workshop (two parts, 2-hours each, 4-hours total) and engage deeply with education and content that will enhance your understanding of the power of empathetic leadership.
This program is for you if:
You are curious about the strategic utility of cultivating an empathetic approach to leadership.
- You are seeking to enhance your knowledge about empathy - what it means, how it works and how to build or strengthen it.
- You are interested in exploring the neuroscience and evolutionary biology behind why empathy is such a critical skill.
- You are passionate about creating psychologically safe spaces and want to develop your own personal approach to empathetic leadership.

Session Outcomes
Understanding the nuances between emotional empathy & cognitive empathy and the role of each in effective leadership.
Exploring compelling case studies: Fortune 500 executives who lead with empathy and inspire their organizations.
Focusing on Relational Intelligence: How our personal histories impact our ability to demonstrate empathy.
Engaging in interactive exercises and discussions that support a personalized approach to leading with empathy.
Participants will walk away with a heightened understanding of the strategic competency behind empathetic leadership and tangible steps to strengthen their approach.

Your Educator and Guide
Chelsea Howard has been a self-declared entrepreneur and 'gut-led' since age 13. After over a decade leading employee experience strategies in the corporate world, she founded Drift Consulting in 2021. She and her gig squad are thought partners for companies, leaders and HR practitioners who are passionate about bringing human-centric design into strategy.
She works with individuals, teams and organizations to create opportunities for organic, interdisciplinary connection between passionate creators, increasing the breadth of knowledge on the human-centric experience across our organizations and within our own lives.